niedziela, 3 stycznia 2016

New Year’s Eve and New Year in Spain.

On 31 December, the Spanish celebrate New Year's Eve, the last night of the year, with much joy and celebration, as a special day also the Christmas period. Usually a more open days in which the meetings are with family and / or friends. It is traditional that night wear red underwear to attract luck.

It dinner at home or in a restaurant, it is expected that at 12 least 1 minute television relayed the bells (the official from the Puerta del Sol in Madrid) and is attached to each of these with a grape luck. At the end of every toast with champagne and desires they are requested, and welcomes the coming year to all loved ones. Tonight is special, a night of fun and celebration for all ages.

On January 1st is a national holiday, New Year, in which absolutely nothing is open, the streets are deserted because most sleep after last night party. It is the first of the year and many New Year concerts are organized for those interested, in any corner of Spain. Many families are reunited that day to eat together and celebrate the first day of the year, and continue the festivities of Christmas.

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