sobota, 10 grudnia 2016


Nowadays a tattoo is an decoration on the skin which is very popular. In my opinion this kind of body art is a problem in everyday life, for example in Poland have bad connotation and they are bad perceive for example with jail.

In Poland a lot of people have tattoos, especially young people. This question is problematic when somebody want to get a job. Majority of comapanies have a policy which ban tattoos and piercing. A managers frequently expressed negative views about the image projected by noticeably tattooed staff. An organisation that wishes to project a smart, professional image is entitled to ban or limit body modifications. According to employers, workers can choose whether they prefer having a tattoo or a job.

The other example is a school. Teacher should not have any tattoo in visible place, because they should be a good example for a young people. In my opinion it is bad way of teaching because children shold know that in the world live different people and they must respect everyone. If we do not teach a children a respect for everyone in the future they can be intolerant or racist. Another example are wardens. Every employee has ban on tattoos, to have respect for a kind of job. If someone has a tattoo, he or she must cover them.

A lot of people say that tattoos are like a stigma for other people. Tattoos are lifestyle choice and an expression of someone’s identity. A problem to get a job because of tattoo is a kind of discrimination. A lot of people have skills and don’t have a job because have tattoo in visible place.

To sum up, in my opinion people should be more tolerant towards tattooed people and this way of decoration on the skin shouldn’t be ban.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania tatuaz nadgarstek 

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