Vegetarianism is commonly understood as not eating meat, in fact, it means more. This specific lifestyle combined with a special diet. Although the motives of breaking with the traditional way of eating may be different, regardless of whether the decision of non-eating of meat stems from the belief that man should not kill animals, snobbery, or fascination with Buddhism, the transition to a vegetarian diet should always be associated with the change of mindset , a departure from the customary stereotypes and replacing them with new patterns.
Vegetarians consciously and carefully compose a diet, because they know what to eat to stay healthy and in good shape. They do not smoke cigarettes, do not drink alcohol, limit coffee and tea. They lead an active lifestyle, they play sports. Many of them work on the improvement of personality. As a result, they are calm, friendly to people and the world.
More and more people stop eating meat. The reasons for the transition to a vegetarian diet are different: an ethical, ecological, religious, philosophical, but mostly of vegetarians eliminate meat from diet in the belief that it is unhealthy. Proponents of vegetarianism argue that contained in meat all the nutrients can be successfully obtained from plant products. It is true. Reasonably placed plant-based diet not only does not cause negative changes in the body, but also reduces the risk of many diseases of civilization.
In order for the body to function properly, it needs many nutrients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. It is important to its size, aspect ratio, and the quality. The demand for food is highly dependent on the age, anatomy, lifestyle, metabolism, and finally taste preferences. More energy needs to a person who regularly trains in the gym, less hanging out for hours in front of the TV. Other need for vitamins and elements has a growing baby's body, and other adult. There is no universal diet. What's good for one, the other can not serve. That is why a vegetarian diet should be selected individually, so that the body does not lack anything.
A vegetarian diet is very healthy. Vegetarians compared to the rest of the population does not suffer from obesity, have low blood cholesterol, lower blood pressure and much less likely to threaten them with heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Health problems vegetarians sometimes result from the deficiency of some nutrients in the diet, especially vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, and zinc. To avoid shortages, should be included in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. If it is necessary, it is advisable taking supplements and vitamin supplements.

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