niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2016

Detox of the body.

After the winter, we need a detox of the body. To help cleanse the body of toxins and quickly get rid of harmful chemicals, we can use different methods of detoxification.

Detox spring is useful to everyone. But how do you know that our body is an excess of toxins? Detox is ideal preparation for the spring if:

1. Often we feel exhausted.
2. We have a trouble with concentrating.
3. We have problems falling asleep.
4. The nails are brittle and dry hair.
5. We smoking.
6. We drink alcohol.
7. We eat a lot of red meat.
8. The smell of our bodies is unpleasant.
9. We have digestive problems.
10. Our legs are heavy.
11. We have skin problems.

Avoiding all the toxins from the body is not possible. We inhale them from the air and "eat" in the meals. If the cells of our body occur bad chemical reactions, our body produces toxins. Of course, our building provides self-cleaning with harmful compounds, but accumulated during the winter, we can gather so much of these substances that without adequate support internal organs will not be able to expel them. Natural purification of the body takes place in the urinary tract and respiratory tract. However, it is not enough. Therefore it is recommended to detoxify the body several times a year.

An example of a detox diet is fruit and vegetables. This type of detox involves eating properly prepared and selected vegetables and fruits with low glycemic index. Meals on which it is based cleansing diet should not contain more than 600 calories. During the detox should not drink coffee, tea, alcohol and smoke cigarettes.

Element to aid detox the body is sport. They are not needed daily exercises, is enough for example,every second day walk, gym, swimming - whatever each of us likes.

Pharmacies offer a number of detox supplements. They are often complex products to support the functioning of the body, improve the condition and care for the preservation of health.

Detoxification of the body in the spring should last a full two weeks, but after a few days, our body starts to work differently. Cleansing the body that coordinated action - should be based on diet and exercise. Only a comprehensive effort can bring the expected result - better mood and a feeling of lightness.

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